The Rocketry Outreach Movement was founded to cultivate growing STEM communities and promote social conformity through the joy of making and launching rockets. It began with 2 brothers building rockets in their basement. One brother decided to get some friends together and form a rocketry club which now consists of 30 members and is known as the New Albany Rocketry Club. The other brother saw the impact this club had on its school and STEM community and decided to found the Rocketry Outreach Movement.

What We Do
We work to expand rocketry throughout our community. Through our actions, we intend to foster growing STEM communities through the wonders of rocketry. This involves outreaching to schools to help get clubs started outside of our local community and ensure their success by providing mentorship and guidance. This way rocketry can continue to thrive in their school without our support. We also work with established Rocketry clubs to host events in order to directly communicate with members of the community.